Monday, February 17, 2014

Brew me a cup...

Brew me a cup for a winter’s night.
For the wind howls loud and the furies fight;
Spice it with love and stir it with care,
And I’ll toast our bright eyes,
my sweetheart fair.
- Minna Thomas Antrim

Years ago, a special friend shared her Chai Tea recipe with me. It is so tasty and perfect for cold, wintry weather :)

Indian Chai Tea

4-6 Black Tea Bags
1 quart Water
6 Whole Cloves
6 Cardamom Pods
1 Cinnamon Stick
1/2 Star Anise (optional)
2 cups Milk
1/2 cup Honey

Place all ingredients in a saucepan. Place on medium heat. Bring to almost a simmer and cook for 10-15 minutes. Strain to drink. Enjoy! :)


Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!


May you and yours have a Blessed Valentine's Day as you remember Who loved you first :)

1 John 4:19

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread

This recipe has been all over Blogs and Pinterest for the past few years but it is well worth revisiting :)

The first time I made this was for a Mother's Day Brunch for my Mom. My honey ate almost the entire thing!

I made one again yesterday and needless to say it is gone. 

Actually I am glad that my honey likes my baking and cooking :)

You can find the recipe HERE 


Friday, February 7, 2014

Awaiting Valentine's Day

I LOVE Valentine's Day!

To me, it is the perfect reminder of the One who first loved us:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever would believe in Him shall not perish but would have everlasting life.
John 3:16

How precious is our Lord and Savior!!!

Valentine's Day is also a way to show others that we love them :)

Valentines made for sweet friends...

A Valentine that was my grandmother's...

A small pillow/sachet made for a friend...

Do you have special plans for Valentine's Day?

After church Sunday,we are having a Valentine Making Party and Fellowship for the children. It is so much fun seeing how creative each child is :)

Please share, I would love to hear what you are up to :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Come to Me...

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

~Do you labor?
~Are you heavy laden?
~Do you bear much burden?

Jesus calls us to come to Him.
All of us.

Come to Me.

Come to...The Counselor
Come to...The Deliverer
Come to...The Holy One
Come to...The Maker and Preserver of all things
Come to...The Prince of Peace

These are just a handful of names for our Lord Jesus Christ.
We come to Him.

Jesus desires that we come to Him. He desires for us to experience rest. Not necessarily rest from afflictions, but rest in Him.

Jesus is our Sabbath.
In Him only we find rest.
In Christ Alone.

Perhaps you have heard the saying:

"No rest for the wicked and the righteous don't need none"

(I know, not so proper grammar :))

This quote does however make a statement.

We being children of God, have attained righteousness through Him
therefore we do not need rest because we already have Him :)

In Him we have forgiveness
In Him we have mercy
In Him we have unconditional love
In Him we have perfect peace
In Him we have...


Rest: To repose or refresh

Psalm 119:88

"Revive me according to Your lovingkindness so that I may keep the testimony of Your mouth"

When we come to our Savior He revives us according to His lovingkindness. He revives us in Him so that we may keep His precious testimony.

Come to Jesus!!!